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Relationship StatusMarried

BDSM Preferences

I'm turned on byA combination of all
My role isSwitch
I am seekingSomeone to play with
I live the lifestyleOnly when I can
Experience levelExpert
I enjoySpanking

Sexual Activities

I enjoy sex:Once a week
Sex isAlways on my mind
Most partners at once:Only one on one

Sexual Interests

CybersexNo, I need the real thing
Oral Sex isIt's how I get aroused
Anal sex isFun sometimes
Sex toys:Butt plugs/probes

Spanking Preferences

Role:I prefer both roles
Use safety words:Sometimes
Turns me on:I'm always in the mood
Include sex and orgasm:Sometimes
Positions:OTK - Over the knee, Lying face down, Over a chair / bed / desk, Hands bracing ankles or knees, Over the masters lap, Kneeling on something with hands on floor, Handcuffed to bed, Tied to something outside in a safe area
Implement:Hand, Cane, Riding Crop, Switch (rod), Birch, Rulers / Martinet, Hairbrush, Belt
Pain level:No limits